Los Angeles hss reportedly been the city of racial profiling and serious police brutality. These crimes in Los Angeles most of the times involve tennagers whom are suprisngly African Americans. Suprising to you, but not to me at all because I said before racism is an ongoing situation and it will never end. February 6, 2006 a huge story broke about a little boy named Devin Brown who was fatallly shot by the LAPD. The story goes that Devin Brown hijacked a care and was driving around the city in an erratice manner. Two officers who were on the premises (Danny Grant and Steve Garcia) attempted to stop Devin Brown but he speed off. THe chased lasted about 14 minutes and then Devin jumped out and began to run, not causing a real threat to the officers. All they had to do was to chase them but since they didn't feel like running after him so they opened fire and shot the boy 10 times, killing him instantly. What a tragice incident to happen and the officers tried to pin the cause of their actions by attempting to use Devin's past history against him but to no avail. Obviously, the shooting cop's life was not in jeopardy. However, he decided that a Black youth who dares to defy him is worthy of the death penalty.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Police Corruption and Crime: Behind the Blue Wall
Many people don't know what goes on in the police enviornment until it is broadcasted on television or made into a public situation. I believe that this method is not useful because we are a country that needs to keep our citizens informed about what's going on in "THEIR" country. After all we do play major roles in our citites such as voting, running businesses, etc. One officer named Kenneth Eurell felt the exact way I'm feeling now and decided to talk about police cruelty. This incidents happened about 7 years ago and he was a part to the cruelty. We all know drug trafficking is a major part of our society today. Well back then it was even bigger and Mr. Eurell was a major part of the corruption. Mr. Eurell and a few other officers would pretend to be venture capitalists and put their money together to buy cocaine from Brooklyn drug dealers and resell it in Suffolk County. They would also protect drug traffickers for a weekly payoff of $10,000 a week. Eventually the officers were caught and indicted. This just goes to show how cruel officers are. Even though they are getting a regular, sometimes well paying salary they want to be greedy and try to take more than they can handle and they end up in jail wishing they never commited these acts.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Global Costs of Police Crime
Police crime is not just an issue that takes causes problem within the force, it also causes world problems. Reactions to abusive police have provoked major urban riots. Commissions formed to investigate the causes of these disturbances have often found that police brutality, or perceived brutality, was a trigger. Most of these commissions were announced with great fanfare and promise. These commissions pondered that we step up and make a bold commitment to eliminate the racial disparities layed upon to us by our racist past, and that we take serious steps to change police practices. Ultimately, of course, their recommendations were ignored. This growing global interest also is prompting African-American activists to look outside the country for assistance in their struggle against biased policing. Despite the serious dangers involved in this issue, few in national leadership seem concerned. There is a growing concern elsewhere, however. The international human-rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have authored studies that severely condemn some police practices in the U.S., particularly as they pertain to the treatment of racial minorities. The European Union also has become increasingly vocal in its condemnation of racial biases in death-penalty cases.
Dose Police Crime depend on our skin color ?
Growing up in one of the toughest part of Brooklyn, Brownsville racism has never really occured too me except on a few occasions as I got older. While growing up I did witness a couple of severe beatings that were handed out by white cops to African Americans. The reason you ask ? If I knew I would tell you because from what I viewed they did absolotuley nothing at all. This is how our world is though cruel and corrupt. Racism has been going on forever and it will never end. African American cops also take their anger out on white Americans also. That is how the game is played one race against the other. Example: in East Orange, New Jersey, a man drives a car into a driveway. The owner of the house requests that he leave, but there is oncoming traffic, so the driver waits. A police officer comes out of the house and fatally shoots the man. Example: in New Jersey, a former prostitute bites a cop's finger and won't let go. He therefore fatally shoots her and is acquitted. Where the racism you say? Both of these individuals were both African Americans and the officers that committed these acts where white. We need to stop this.
Statistics on Police Brutality
Some people may believe that police brutality may happen once in a blue moon. They are not the only one because I also believed that police brutality happened once in a while because I always focused on just New York not the other 49 states that we have in our country. After overviewing some statistical information police brutality and crime happens almost everyday. It's an on going epidemic sort of like a drug. Everyday a police officer is sucked into the dirty life of becoming a dirty cop as they are called. In New York City, a study undertaken by the Civilian Complaint Review Board found that more than 50 percent of civilian complaints were filed against officers who graduated from the Police Academy in 1990, 1991 and 1993. Similarly, officers who had graduated from the academy 15 years earlier frequently were the targets of allegations. The vast majority of complaints originate in high-crime areas in which the population primarily comprises minorities.
Police Brutality: What Can We Do ?
Abuse by law enforcement officers in the United States is one of the most serious and divisive human rights violations in the country. In order for us to stop this police brutality and severe treatment to us we have to step up and try to resolve this issue. We are in the year 2007 and we still have police brutality everywhere. To me I seriously believe that police brutality will never end but we can always try out best to level it down. There are some steps that we can take to stop this on going action. One of them being wrting to a Senator or a high official that has the authority to make a change. In this statement there should be detailed information of what police brutality and severe crime has done to your life. Giving them suggestions to change the system wouldn't be bad also. They might take them into consideration.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Other form of Police Crime (not just abuse)

On the Thursday and Friday following Hurricane Katrina, a police chief from the state of Louisiana has admitted to the fact that he ordered several officers to block a bridge over the Mississippi river. The officers were also forced to make the escapees of New Orleans, Louisiana go back into their town even though there was massive chaos and violence in town. There were guns fired in order to scare the residents back into their own town. This was another case of racism and harshness. A paramedic stated that, "I believe it was racism. It was callousness, it was cruelty." During the blockade, the bridge was filled with black people trying to get across. Then they all heard gunshots being fired. Many turned back to the town and tried to live in the harsh living conditions. Food became limited and riots took place in the streets. Many people were injured and some died as the days went on. Shots were continued to be fired and no one was still allowed to evacuate the city because the officers didn't want their community "becoming another
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