Saturday, April 14, 2007

Dose Police Crime depend on our skin color ?

Growing up in one of the toughest part of Brooklyn, Brownsville racism has never really occured too me except on a few occasions as I got older. While growing up I did witness a couple of severe beatings that were handed out by white cops to African Americans. The reason you ask ? If I knew I would tell you because from what I viewed they did absolotuley nothing at all. This is how our world is though cruel and corrupt. Racism has been going on forever and it will never end. African American cops also take their anger out on white Americans also. That is how the game is played one race against the other. Example: in East Orange, New Jersey, a man drives a car into a driveway. The owner of the house requests that he leave, but there is oncoming traffic, so the driver waits. A police officer comes out of the house and fatally shoots the man. Example: in New Jersey, a former prostitute bites a cop's finger and won't let go. He therefore fatally shoots her and is acquitted. Where the racism you say? Both of these individuals were both African Americans and the officers that committed these acts where white. We need to stop this.

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